Fallout 76 Radstag Locations Map (2024)

Introduction: Fallout 76, the popular post-apocalyptic video game, takes players on a thrilling journey through the devastated landscapes of West Virginia. Among the many creatures that roam this desolate world, the Radstag stands out as an iconic and formidable foe. In this article, we will delve into the vast Radstag locations in Fallout 76, providing you with a comprehensive map guide to enhance your gaming experience.

Heading 1: The Wondrous World of Radstags Subheading 1: Understanding the Radstag Subheading 2: The Importance of Radstag Locations

Heading 2: The Forest Region Subheading 1: Flatwoods Subheading 2: Morgantown Subheading 3: The Green Country Lodge

Heading 3: The Ash Heap Region Subheading 1: Lewisburg Subheading 2: Welch Subheading 3: Beckley

Heading 4: The Toxic Valley Region Subheading 1: Grafton Subheading 2: Clarksburg Subheading 3: The Crosshair

Heading 5: The Savage Divide Region Subheading 1: Top of the World Subheading 2: Pleasant Valley Subheading 3: Whitespring Resort

Heading 6: The Cranberry Bog Region Subheading 1: Watoga Subheading 2: RobCo Research Center Subheading 3: The Glassed Cavern

Heading 7: The Mire Region Subheading 1: Harpers Ferry Subheading 2: Dyer Chemical Subheading 3: Abandoned Bog Town

Heading 8: The Divide Region Subheading 1: Spruce Knob Subheading 2: The Freak Show Subheading 3: Thunder Mountain Power Plant

Heading 9: The Map Guide's Conclusion

Conclusion: The Radstag, a majestic and elusive creature, captivates players in Fallout 76. By exploring the vast Radstag locations across the different regions of West Virginia, players can engage in thrilling encounters and reap valuable rewards. Whether venturing through the Forest, Ash Heap, Toxic Valley, Savage Divide, Cranberry Bog, Mire, or Divide regions, the Radstag's presence adds depth and excitement to the gameplay. Remember, always stay vigilant and prepared as you embark on your Radstag hunt!


  1. Are Radstags hostile towards players? No, Radstags are generally peaceful creatures unless provoked. However, caution is advised as they may defend themselves if threatened.

  2. Can Radstags be tamed? Yes, with the Animal Friend perk, players can pacify and even tame Radstags, turning them into loyal companions.

  3. Are Radstag locations random? While Radstag spawns can vary, there are specific areas within each region where they are more likely to appear. Our map guide will help you locate these hotspots.

  4. What resources can be obtained from Radstags? Radstags provide valuable resources, including meat, hide, and antlers, which can be used for crafting various items and consumables.

  5. Are there any legendary Radstags? Yes, occasionally players may encounter legendary Radstags, which possess unique abilities and offer greater rewards when defeated.

Remember, the Radstag locations map provided in this guide serves as a valuable resource for Fallout 76 players seeking thrilling encounters and bountiful rewards. Happy hunting in the wastelands of West Virginia!

Fallout 76 Radstag Locations Map (2024)
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