15 Delicious S'mores Recipes To Enjoy This Summer - Lattes, Lilacs, & Lullabies (2024)

There is no snack that screams summer more than ooey-gooey s’mores! S’mores are my husbands favorite treat during the summertime, & all year long for that matter. So, I set out to find the most scrumptious s’mores recipes of all time. From s’mores pie, to cookies, to cheesecake….anything and everything s’more is right here. Yum!

1. Homemade Marshmallows

First things first, you know what makes a traditional s’more even more delicious? Homemade marshmallows…that’s what! Have you ever tried making your own marshmallows? The store-bought concoctions don’t even compare. You have to try this recipe from The Kitchen Is My Playground blog. You won’t be sorry!

2. S’mores Pie

Holy Moly! Doesn’t this s’more pie from The Tasty Kitchen look simply divine! There’s no counting calories today, friends! I can’t wait to try this recipe. I think my husband would flip!

3. S’mores Cupcakes

I love me a good cupcake, but these s’mores cupcakes from Tracy over at Baking Mischief look beyond amazing. The molten chocolate center has got me all excited. And, check out the flame-kissed marshmallow frosting top. Holy goodness. I’m making these ASAP.

4. S’mores Ice Cream Cones

How cute are these Toasted Marshmallow Campfire Cones from Bitz & Giggles? I bet your little ones would go bananas over these this summer! These would be the perfect snack to end a gorgeous day of camping, hiking, and exploring. This adorable recipe will definitely be added to my recipe box!

5. S’mores Iced Coffee

Ok, now we’re talking my language! Step aside Starbucks (no offense, but seriously step aside!) there’s a new sheriff in town and it’s topped with gooey marshmallow fluff and bits of graham cracker. This recipe from the blog Show Me The Yummy (how cute is that blog title by the way?!) might just be the best Pinterest recipe find of all time.

“This S’Mores Iced Coffee is creamy, chocolatey, filled with marshmallow fluff and has a fun chocolate and graham cracker rim! It’s a caffeinated S’More in a glass!

I wish I could whip us up one right now as we continue to explore these amazing s’mores recipes. Go make yourself a S’mores Iced Coffee and meet me back here. I won’t be offended. Go right ahead.

6. S’mores Trail Mix

Are you and your family embarking on a road trip this summer? Why not try some S’more Trail Mix? This recipe from Life Is A Party is so easy and so yummy!

Plus, she pictures her wonderful S’mores Trail Mix in decorated burlap bags that say “It’s Always S’more Fun With You”. She offers the Free Printable so you can photo transfer onto your own mini bags. I don’t know about you, but I think decorating mini burlap bags and giving them away as party favors would just about be the cutest thing ever?

What about having a Make Your Own S’mores Trail Mix bar at your outdoor movie night, your kid’s birthday party, the family BBQ, 4th of July picnic…you name it! How simple and yet uber Pinteresty! I love it!

7. S’mores Lasagna

This super-duper rich dessert recipe is from Julianne over at Beyond Frosting. She’s snowboard obsessed and makes some amazing desserts. Her blog is beautiful and will give you a sugar high. This S’mores Lasagna is to die for. I can’t wait to try it.

8. S’mores Bars

It’s no secret that I am brownie connoisseur. I usually make a fresh batch of brownies every Monday night during Bachelor and Bachelorette season. It’s just a traditional that I love….and my husband has grown to love. You see, he’s not as big of a fan as I am of brownies. But, I think I could sway him with these S’mores Bars from I Heart Naptime. I think these might change his entire perspective of Monday nights and hours of watching the bachelor with me.

9. S’mores Cheesecake

Hold on to your hats, friends. This S’mores Cheesecake is liable to knock the wind out of ya! It’s just that good! Tonia over at The Gunny Sack blog shares a her passion for food and photography, two things I can greatly appreciate.

“No bake S’mores Cheesecake is easy to make with creamy chocolate filling, chocolate ganache, a graham cracker crust and toasted marshmallows on top!”

10. S’mores Dip

Last summer, my hubby and I attended The Michigan Lavender Festival for the very first time. You can read about our adventure here & get my recipe for Lavender Linen Spray. When we got back home, we decided to try this recipe for S’mores Dip. We changed it up a bit and used toasted coconut marshmallows. You can check out my recipe here.

I still remember that gorgeous summer day spent amidst lavender loving locals, antiques, fairy gardens, and crafts. And, to finish off such a beautiful day with a delectable taste of summer right in our very own kitchen was such a delight. Isn’t it magical how food and experiences can enhance our sometimes mundane existence?

You have to try this S’mores Dip. It would be perfect to try on a Date Night at home while cuddling on the couch for a movie. It would be wonderful to make on a cold winter night after spending the day sledding with the kids. This recipe is perfect all year-long. I hope you give it a try. It will become a family favorite, I’m sure.

11. S’mores In A Jar

Our friend and Foodie Crusher, Heidi, outdid herself with this recipe for S’more In A Jar. This dessert is not only delicious, but it’s also fun! Who doesn’t love eating dessert…really anything…out of a jar!

12. S’mOreos

Isn’t this just plain genius?! Our new blogger friend, Marigold, is the author and creator of her website…brace yourself…Hideous! Dreadful! Stinky!. It’s a “craft blog for the artful soul” with quite a funky name. I love it!

Anyways, Marigold shares the story of how she was searching in her pantry one night for a healthy snack, as I’m sure most of us can relate too, when she happened upon some Oreos. I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t matter how healthy I’m trying to eat, if I stumble across a package of Oreos they will probably be gone in t-minus 2 seconds!

Marigold (I love her name!) came up with the genius concept of making a S’mOreo by squishing a charred marshmallow between the 2 cookies of the Oreo, but not without first smearing the cookies with some Nutella. You know, just for some extra goodness!

Oh boy, this idea of a S’mOreo might get me into some trouble. How about you?

13. S’mores Cookies

As the seasons begin to change from summer into fall, I swiftly begin baking. The mixer comes out, and suddenly I’m all about making good stick to your bones recipes and baking up some wonderful yummy things. One of my favorite things to bake in early fall are cookies.

I think this recipe for S’mores Cookies could satisfy my hunger to welcome fall, while still enjoying the tastes of late summer. They look delicious!

14. S’mores On A Stick

S’more On A Stick, AKA S’mores Cake Pops, would be the perfect addition to any bbq, birthday party, picnic, church gathering, etc. They are so easy to make and kids (and big kids!) will love them. Simply poke a stick through a marshmallow. Dip the marshmallow in chocolate, and then dip in graham cracker crumbs. Let dry & enjoy!

15. S’mores Caramel Corn

Outdoor movie nights in the summer are nothing short of magical. Could there be anything better than enjoying the cool summer breeze while watching fireflies dance around you? Yes, there is something that could make this summer tradition just a bit sweeter, and that is S’mores Caramel Corn from Thirty Homemade Days.

I hope that you enjoyed this ultimate list of S’mores Recipes! Which recipe are dying to try? I can’t wait to try them all. See you “s’more”soon! Thanks for stopping by!

15 Delicious S'mores Recipes To Enjoy This Summer - Lattes, Lilacs, & Lullabies (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.